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Export opportunities

Quickly share opportunity lists and one-pagers in different formats with colleagues outside of Inpart Deal. This helps prepare for triage meetings and improve reporting.


Opportunity export overview.png

Export a standard Excel file

Plan availability: Essential/Advanced
Required user role: Manager/Contributor (see details)

You can export opportunities from the master list of opportunities to a standard Excel file. Two parameters need to be taken into account to generate a finely targeted export:

  • Which opportunities do you want to export?
    To define the perimeter of the opportunities you want to export, apply filters first before proceeding to the export. You can export all the opportunities or only the ones that match the filters.
  • Which fields do you want to export?
    To define the perimeter of the fields to be displayed in the export, add or remove columns in the master list of opportunities before proceeding to the export. One column corresponds to one field.

To proceed to the export, click Export at the top of the master list. A pop-up window will appear. From there, you can either choose to:

  • Export all available columns (i.e. opportunity fields) even if they're hidden in the master list of opportunities.
  • Export only the columns (i.e. opportunity fields) chosen for display on the master list of opportunities for a light and finely targeted export.

Then, click Confirm. An Excel export will instantly be downloaded.

Opportunity export overview.png

[Beta] Export one-pagers

Plan availability: 
Essential: one PowerPoint default template available.
Advanced: custom templates available in PowerPoint, Word, and Excel formats.

Required user role:

Beta feature:
This feature is only available in beta mode for the current time. Please contact your CSM at Inpart if you wish to enable the beta mode on your Deal platform and try the one-pager export feature.

The one-pager extracts and displays on one slide all the important information recorded on the opportunity page in Deal, to review the opportunity during triage meetings with your team. You can export one-page reports in various formats (PowerPoint, Excel, and Word).

One-pager page.png

You have two options to export one-pagers:

  • Export a list of one-pagers, from a list of opportunities.
  • Export a single one-pager, from the opportunity page.

To export a list of one-pagers, go to the list of opportunities, apply filters if needed, and click Export at the top of the list.

One pager export 1.png

To export a single one-pager, go to the opportunity page, click the more options menu at the top right corner of the page, and select Export.

One pager export 2.png

An Export opportunities popup will appear. 

For Essential Deal plan users

For the Essential Deal plan users, one PowerPoint default template is available. Select the template and click Confirm.

The export will start in the background and you will be notified once it's complete. The file will be saved in your computer's downloads.

One pager export 3.png

For Advanced Deal plan users

For the Advanced Deal plan users, several templates in various formats might be available depending on how your platform was configured. The last used template is pre-selected by default in the export popup. If none was used, the last created one will be pre-selected. Select the template of your choice and click Confirm.

The export will start in the background and you will be notified once it's complete. The file will be saved in your computer's downloads.

One pager export 4.png

Customize one-pager templates

Plan availability: Advanced
Required user role: Manager with Business Admin rights

Advanced Deal plan users have access to multiple customized templates in PowerPoint, Word, and Excel formats to fit their different opportunity types. These templates are created by Inpart.

Please contact your CSM at Inpart to initiate the creation of your customized templates.

Detailed user rights

Rights Manager Contributor
Export a standard Excel file X
Export one-pagers
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