Manage list values and tags
You can create, edit, merge, or delete the values of all the lists used in the different fields of Inpart Deal, to customize the application and fit your needs and processes.
Plan availability: Essential/Advanced
Required user role: Manager with Business Admin rights
Access the list settings
Click your avatar at the bottom of the navigation bar and select Administration.
In the Opportunity, Asset, Agreement, and Other tabs, you can find all the list values available in the application's fields, including the tags for the initiatives and the opportunities.
To manage one of the lists, click the desired category and list, and a new section displaying the values of the list will appear on the right of the page.
Custom values vs Inpart Data values
Custom values
These values are created by you and your team. They're notified by a little avatar icon in the Source column.
You can rename, merge, and delete them at any time.
Inpart Data values
These values are provided by default by Inpart Deal to quickly populate the fields with standard values used in the life sciences industry. They're marked by a database icon in the list view and the Source column.
They can't be renamed but can be removed from any opportunity using them.
The values are divided into Local Data and Inpart Data. The Local Data tab lists the values used in your instance, both custom and from Inpart Data. The Inpart Data tab lists the Inpart Data values that you haven't yet used in your instance. Once a value from Inpart Data has been selected in one of your opportunities, it will move from the Inpart Data tab to the Local Data tab. And, conversely, if you remove this value from Local Data, it will be removed from every opportunity currently using it (but still visible in the dropdown list) and moved back to the Inpart Data tab.
Add new values
Click Add, a pop-up will appear. Enter the name of the value you want to add and click Add.
To make sure you're not creating duplicates, a list of existing values is displayed.
Rename values
On the side section, click the ellipsis icon next to the value you want to edit and select Rename. Click the blue check icon to validate the modification.
For tags, you can also edit the color associated with the tag.
Merge values
On the side section, select the values you want to merge and click Merge.
A pop-up will appear to ask you to specify the destination value that will replace the merged values, in the Merge into field. The destination value can either be an existing value (selected for the merge or not), or a new value created during the merging process.
Any values (linked to Inpart data or not) can be merged. Still, if one of the values was coming from Inpart Data, it will be presented again to you the next time you try to assign it to an object (initiatives, opportunities, companies, or contacts).
Delete values
Delete custom values
On the side section, click the ellipsis icon next to the value you want to delete and select Remove and Delete. A pop-up will appear to ask for your confirmation.
When a value is deleted from the Administration page, the value is automatically erased in the initiatives, opportunities, companies, or contacts using it.
Delete Inpart Data values
On the side section, click the ellipsis icon next to the value you want to delete and select Remove.
Warning: Some values can't be deleted as their vital to Inpart Deal's system. In this case, the Remove button is available but can't be selected.
A pop-up will appear to ask for your confirmation.
Bulk delete values
On the side section, select the values you want to bulk delete and click Delete.
A pop-up window will appear to ask you to confirm the deletion.
Restrict value creation
Users with Business Admin rights can define from the Deal Administration page the category of users who can add values to standard drop down fields in the platform. These allowed users are either simple Managers, or Managers with Business Admin rights.
Open the field in the Administration page, and select the preferred option.