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Create and manage opportunities

Create an opportunity to evaluate a potential deal with a partner company.


Plan availability: Essential/Advanced
User role required: Manager/Contributor (see details)


Opportunities include the identification of the partner or asset, its evaluation, and the contracting until the deal signature.

Opportunities can target a specific asset or technology offered by a company (in the case of in-licensing, research collaboration, or asset acquisition projects), or a company (in the case of out-licensing or a company acquisition).

Check the detailed user rights regarding opportunities here.

Access opportunities

There are three ways to access an existing opportunity:

  • Click Opportunities on the navigation bar to access the master list of opportunities.
  • Access the opportunity through an initiative.
  • Use the Search bar.
    Opportunity search.png

What's inside an opportunity


  • You can see if the opportunity is part of a private initiative with the red lock icon next to the opportunity name, and you can click View access to see the list of authorized users.
  • You can see and modify the status of the opportunity.
  • You can directly access the company profile by clicking its name on the top of the opportunity page.
  • You can update the workflow.
  • You can browse all information related to the opportunity in the different tabs: 
    • Overview: opportunity owner, creation date, asset, and opportunity types.
    • Summary: a free space to enter all kinds of notes. You can add customized templates to help you structure the opportunity summary.
    • Asset: all information related to the asset.
    • Attachments: all files useful to enrich the opportunity, including emails, publications and hyperlinks to external storage places. For hyperlinks you can choose the related icon in the drop-down list to visualize quickly the type of link: Google Drive, Microsoft Sharepoint, Youtube or default)
    • Tasks: to-do list to progress the opportunity and access to evaluations.
    • Meetings: meeting records associated with the opportunity.
    • Contacts: key contacts associated with the opportunity.
  • You can access the Comments, Database, and Activity stream panels at the top right of the page.

Create opportunities

If the initiative doesn't exist yet, you will first need to create a new initiative. Instructions can be found here. There are three ways to create an opportunity:

  • From the navigation bar

You can create an opportunity wherever you are in the application from the blue Create button at the bottom of the navigation bar. Click Create and select Opportunity in the drop-down list.

Opportunity create nav bar.png

  • From the master list of opportunities

Click the Create button at the top right of the Opportunities page.

Opportunity create master list.png

  • From initiatives, companies, contacts or campaigns

Go to the opportunity tab for an initiative, a company, a contact, or a campaign and click the Create button at the top of the opportunity list.

Opportunity create initiative.png

  • Creation process

After clicking one of the three Create buttons mentioned above, a pop-up will appear.

  1. In the first step, enter the name of the initiative that the opportunity should be associated with and pick the initiative from the list prompted.
    Opportunity create step 1.png
    When an opportunity is created from an initiative overview, in this first step the initiative is automatically pre-selected.
  2. In the second step, enter the name of the company the opportunity will be associated with. Matching companies will be suggested both from your directory and Inpart Data. If the company doesn't exist yet, you can create a new entry.
    Opportunity create step 2.png
  3. In third step, enter the name of the opportunity. It can be a pharma asset, a technology, an organization, or a consumer health asset name.
    Opportunity create step 3.png
  4. In the fourth step, select the opportunity type (in-licensing, out-licensing, investment, etc.). This step only appears if you're a Manager user and the asset type of the selected initiative offers at least two workflow types.
    Opportunity creation 6.2.png
  5. In the fifth and last step, verify all the information you've entered and click Confirm.
    Opportunity create step 4.png

Important notes on opportunity creation

  • When creating opportunities from a company, a contact, or a campaign, specific behaviors apply to facilitate the creation process:
    • In the first step (Select an initiative), the default initiative is pre-selected by default.

    • In the second step (Select a company), if you're creating the opportunity from a company profile, this company is pre-selected by default to be associated with the opportunity.

    • In the last step (Summary):

      • If you're creating the opportunity from a campaign, the following fields will be displayed: Source = Campaign and Source campaign = [name of the campaign].

      • If you're creating the opportunity from a contact profile, the contact name will be displayed.

  • If the company or opportunity name matches with a record from Inpart Data, the company profile and opportunity classification fields will be automatically filled out by Inpart Data to simplify data entry.
  • A user with a Contributor role can't select the opportunity type. If a Contributor user creates a new opportunity, a Manager user can update the opportunity type in the opportunity overview section. Until then, the opportunity type will be marked as To be defined.
    Workflow to be defined.png

Import opportunities

Please refer to the Import opportunities article to create opportunities from an external import.

Export opportunities in Excel or one-pager formats

Please refer to the Export opportunities article.

Filter and create custom views for opportunities

You can use the quick filters available at the top of the page to reach the information you're interested in with a single click. You can filter opportunities by:

  • Their opportunity type (In-licensing, Investment, etc) or status (Active, On-hold, Closed, Declined).
  • Specific criteria that you previously saved in your custom views


For advanced filtering, click the More filters button to open a filtering panel on the right of the page. From here you can filter opportunities based on all the fields that they contain. Click Apply filters at the bottom of the panel to apply your filtering preferences.

Opportunity filters.png

Display opportunities as a Kanban board

The Kanban Board is available only for users that have the full workflow feature. This feature isn't available to users connected to Inova Classic.
Only users with a Manager role can see and use the Kanban board.

Go to the Opportunities main page and click the right icon at the top of the list of opportunities.


If you use several workflow types for your opportunities (e.g. In-licensing, Investments...), you'll have one Kanban board for each one of them. By default, you have at least a To qualify board that covers all the opportunities that are currently in their early stages (Identification or Triage) before being distributed to the relevant workflow type.

Each Kanban board is split into several columns representing the different stages of the workflow, and each opportunity is represented as a card under the right column. These cards display the opportunity name, the company associated, the initiative name, and the status of the opportunity (Active, On-hold, Declined, or Closed). 

The cards are ordered first by priority level, with the high-priority opportunities showing at the top of the list, and then secondarily by alphanumerical order. The order can be reversed if your goal is to view first the opportunities with no priority so that you can prioritize them.

Click the cards to open the quick view of opportunities in the right-side panel.


Please note that you can't move a card from one column to another. You need to open the opportunity and update the workflow.

Add customized templates to the opportunity summary

Customized opportunity summary templates can help you describe the deal being evaluated with its structure and strategic rationale. The template is to be selected at the initiative level and is the same for all the opportunities contained in this initiative.

First, to add your own customized templates, go to the Administration page, in the Templates tab. In the Opportunity summary templates section, click Create, name the template, select the related asset type, and enter the summary text. The Default Summary template is here to give you an example of a template but can't be selected as a summary template in opportunities, you'll have to create your own templates.

Opportunity summary template.png

Then, you have two options to apply the template to opportunities.

If the initiative is already created, go to the related initiative, click Edit, and select the template. You also have the possibility to select None to leave the opportunity summary empty.


If you're creating a new initiative, please refer to the Initiative article.

Reassign opportunity ownership to other users

You can reassign the ownership of an opportunity if you're a user with a Manager role.

Click the name of the current owner at the top of the opportunity overview. A drop-down list will appear with the list of the users you can select. You can only reassign an opportunity to a user with a Manager role (even if the initial owner had a Contributor role).


Link other opportunities and companies to an opportunity

In case you're evaluating the same asset, technology, or organization in different opportunities based on geographical areas or clinical indications for instance, you can link these opportunities and companies together for a more efficient follow-up.

The related opportunities and companies are displayed in the opportunity Overview tab. Click Add and select an existing opportunity or company to link it here.

Opportunity related companies & opportunities.png

Once you've linked an opportunity or a company in a first opportunity, this first opportunity appears as well in the linked opportunity or company.

Manage the opportunity workflow

Please refer to this article: Navigate opportunity workflows in Inpart Deal.

Delete opportunities

Click the ellipsis button at the top right of the opportunity overview and select Delete. A pop-up will appear asking for your confirmation.

Detailed opportunity user rights

All rights below are conditional on whether the initiative is public or private. If an initiative is private, the rights apply only to the users who have access to the initiative.

If you're a Manager, you can perform the following actions on all opportunities whether you own them or not (and whether you own the related initiative as well).

Rights Manager Contributor
View opportunities
View opportunities as a Kanban board X
Create opportunities
Add Summary templates

if you have a Business Admin role

Select Summary templates X
Own opportunities X
By default, the opportunities created by a Contributor are assigned to the "Default assignee" of the initiative
Import opportunities X
Rename opportunities
if you created the opportunity and the opportunity is still in the Identification stage
Reassign opportunity ownership X
Move opportunities to a different initiative X
Copy opportunities to a different initiative X
Update the stage (workflow) and status X
View and update qualification fields
if you created the opportunity and the opportunity is still in the Identification stage, and except for Tags
Link other opportunities or companies X
View the Overview, Asset, Details, Summary, Attachments, Tasks, Meetings, Contacts, and Agreements tabs
Update all fields of the Overview, Asset, Details, and Summary tabs
if you created the opportunity and the opportunity is still in the Identification stage
Upload, rename, or delete attachments
if you created the opportunity and the opportunity is still in the Identification stage
Add or unlink contacts
View and add comments
Update or delete comments
if it's your comment

if it's your comment
View the Database panel X
Manage profiles in the Database panel X
View the activity stream
Delete opportunities
if you created the opportunity and the opportunity is still in the Identification stage, and there are no tasks created by default in the Identification stage 
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