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Attach files (drag and drop)

Upload relevant files to Deal to support your pipeline decisions.


Plan availability: Essential/Advanced
Required user role: Manager/Contributor

With easy drag-and-drop functionality or upload, facilitate team alignment on required documentation and establish a structured document storage system, ensuring processes are followed and documents are easily accessible to save time.

Attachment overview.png

Drag-and-drop option

Drag and drop emails or attachments directly from Outlook or your desktop. It’s intuitive, fast, and designed to save you time, no more time-consuming browsing to find and upload a document.

Important: Direct drag-and-drop from Microsoft Outlook is only available for the classic version of Outlook. If you're using the new Outlook, you need to download the email first from Outlook to your desktop to be able to drag and drop it to Deal.

You can also always switch back to the classic version of Outlook. If you prefer to keep the new Outlook, you can use the Inpart for Outlook add-in instead of the drag and drop.

Attach files

Contributor users have limited rights, check them out here.

You can attach files in several places in the application:

  • In the initiative and meeting overviews.
  • In the opportunity, agreement, and company Attachments tab.

Drag and drop your file or click Add to open a file from your computer.

Attachment upload.png

An automatic antivirus check is performed whenever you upload a file to Deal to ensure the platform's security. If the file is infected, the upload won't be processed and an error message will be displayed to warn you about it: Upload failed. A virus was detected in the file.

Attachment anti virus.png

Once uploaded, you can find a few important information in the list of files:

  • Source name: This column describes from which source the file was uploaded: conference meeting import, campaign import, email upload, etc. A file manually uploaded by a user displays no source name.
  • Email attachment: The column with the pin icon helps recognize if an email that was uploaded has attachments.
  • Important: The column with the flag icon makes important files stand out.

Attachment details.png

Add a file description

To save time when browsing the attachments, add a short description to know what they're about.

Attachment description.png

Click the ellipsis button, and select Edit.

Attachment edit.png

Enter a description in the Note field and click Update.

Attachment edit 2.png

Files specifications

  • Supported file formats

To ensure the security and performance of Inpart Deal, a set of rules and limitations applies to the files that can be stored on the application.

Inpart Deal supports the following file types:

Extension Description

.doc, .docx


Microsoft Word document.

Portable Document Format (Adobe Acrobat).


.ppt, .pptx

Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.


.xls, .xlsx

Microsoft Excel workbook.




Electronic message saved in a plain text file.

Microsoft Outlook Mail Message file.


.jpg, .jpeg


JPEG image.

PNG image.


All internet links

Only available in opportunity and agreement attachments.

Files with an extension other than those listed above, with multiple file extensions, or no file extension at all are not supported.

Macro-enabled files (such as .docm, .pptm, .xlsm, etc.) are not supported.

  • File size limitations
Maximum size limit for an individual file

100 Mb (100.000 Kb)

Minimum size limit for an individual file

1 Kb

For best performance, it's recommended to keep the file size under 10Mb (10,000 Kb) whenever possible.

The file size of the document can be checked on the properties of the file on your computer before uploading it.

Please note that time-out issues may be experienced with files above the maximum allowed size, depending on the internet connection.

  • File name rules

The maximum length for a filename is defined at 255 characters.

File names can include most characters, including letters, numbers, spaces, punctuation marks, and symbols, except for the following:

< left angle bracket or less-than sign > right angle bracket or more-than sign
\ back slash / forward slash
: colon ; semicolon
, comma ? question mark
" double quote * asterisk
& ampersand | vertical bar or pipe

Preview files

You can preview files in Deal to quickly review them or find information without downloading them. Click the file, it will open in a popup.

You can preview PDF and JPG files, as well as emails. PowerPoint, Word, and Excel files need to be downloaded to open them.

Download files

To download a file from Deal, click the ellipsis icon on the attachment line, or directly click the file's name and click Download.

Attachment download.png

Create and manage folders

Folders are available for opportunity and company attachments only.

Organize your files with folders and search them to find the document you're looking for quickly.

Attachment folder.png

Create folders

Click New folder and name the folder.

Attachment folder create.png

Create a default folder structure

You need to have Business Admin rights to perform this action.

Default folders automatically appear in the Attachments tab of opportunities, agreements, and companies when creating them. For opportunities, default folders can be defined on the Administration page based on their deal type. In this case, the default folders will appear in the opportunity Attachments tab after the third stage of the workflow if the deal type wasn't selected at the opportunity creation.

Go to the Deal Administration page, in the Folders tab. Select All opportunities or one of the opportunity deal types, and add, rename, or remove folders. 

The default folders can be renamed and removed individually in each opportunity or company.

Edit folders names

You can rename folders. Click the ellipsis icon in the folder row and select Edit.

Attachment folder edit.png

Move folders

You can move folders to other folders of the same opportunity or company. You can drag and drop folders or click the ellipsis icon in the folder row and select Move. 

Attachment folder move 1.png

Select the new location of the folder. You can add a new folder at this point if you need a sub-folder structure.

Attachment folder move 2.png

Delete folders

When deleting a folder, all the files contained in it will be deleted as well. Click the ellipsis icon in the folder row and select Delete. A popup will appear to ask for confirmation.

Attachment folder delete.png

Filter attachments

To filter attachments, go to the Attachments tab and click the list button to access the flat view of all attachments.

Attachment flat view button.png

You can use quick filters available at the top of the list of attachments to reach the document you're interested in with a single click. You can filter attachments by:

  • Their format: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, image.
  • If they're Marked as important.

Attachment quicker filters.png

For advanced filtering, click the More filters button to open a filtering panel on the right side of the page. Click Apply filters at the bottom of the panel to apply your filtering preferences.

Attachment filters.png

Detailed user rights

Rights Manager Contributor
Attach files to initiatives and opportunities
Attach files to meetings, agreements, and companies X
Download all files
Except for agreement files
Create and manage attachment folders X
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