Create and manage meetings
Meetings often act as a starting point for a potential partnership opportunity. The Meeting feature enables you to capture and manage the interactions that happen between your company and other potential partners.
Plan availability: Essential/Advanced
Required user role: Manager/Contributor (see details)
The Meeting feature allows you to:
- Record key events and decisions taken during meetings.
- Share information and next steps based on the interaction between you and your potential partner.
- Understand the communication timeline and opportunity evolution.
- Track and monitor interactions with one or several partner companies.
Access meetings
You can access the meetings master list from the Meetings entry in the navigation bar.
Meetings can also be found on the opportunity or company pages they're related to, under the Meetings tab.
Filter and create custom views for meetings
See Create and manage custom views.
Import meetings
See Import meetings.
Create manual meetings
You can create meetings from four places on the application:
- From the navigation bar
You can create a meeting wherever you are in the application from the blue Create button at the bottom of the navigation bar. Click Create and select Meeting in the drop-down list.
- From the meetings master list
You can create a meeting from the meetings master list, by clicking the Create button at the top right of the page.
- From an opportunity, a company, or a contact overview
Go to the Meetings tab of the opportunity in which you want to add a meeting and click Create.
- Creation process
On whatever page you click the Create button, a pop-up will open asking you to enter the meeting details.
The title of the meeting, the associated companies, and the meeting date are the three mandatory fields to create a meeting.
Additionally, you can indicate:
- The related opportunities. They must be created first in the platform to be displayed and selected here. You can select one or several opportunities that the meeting is related to. If you create a meeting from an opportunity overview, this opportunity will be assigned as the related opportunity by default.
- The related conference. The names of the conferences must be added manually at first. After that, you will be able to select the conference from the list you initially created.
- The attendees. Here you can either add an existing contact as an attendee or create a new one on the fly.
- The access level of the meeting: private or public.
Once you've created the meeting, you can add notes and attachments, and manage attendees.
Create opportunities from meetings
If you created a meeting from a company profile, or from a conference import, you can create a related opportunity by clicking Create an opportunity.
Manage meeting attendees
Attendees can either be Internal or External. This distinction is important for the accessibility of the meeting. See the next section Manage Meeting Access Control to learn more about that.
Depending on whether the meeting has been created from the Event integration or manually created, the management of attendees is slightly different.
In the meeting overview, click Manage in the Attendees section. A pop-up called Manage Access for the XXX meeting will appear.
Start entering the name in the search bar and select the relevant match.
To remove attendees, click the cross next to their names.
External attendees
External attendees are people from an outside company whom you met during a meeting with your company.
With the Event integration meetings: The external attendees are automatically extracted from the delegate section of the meeting in the message center of One-on-One Partnering, created as contacts in Deal (if not existing yet) and categorized as External in the meeting in Deal.
With the manually created meetings: Manager users can add external attendees (i.e. contacts) once the meeting has been created.
You can add more external attendees to a meeting (Event integration meeting or manual meeting) after it has been created in Deal, by selecting existing contacts or creating new contacts in Deal from the meeting page (Manage button in the Attendees section).
Internal attendees and Deal users
Internal user attendees are people from your company who are Deal users.
With the Event integration meetings: The internal attendees who are Deal users are automatically extracted from the delegate section of the meeting in the message center of One-on-One Partnering, mapped to the corresponding user profile in Deal based on their email address, and displayed as Internal and User in the meeting in Deal.
If some internal user attendees use a different email address in One-on-One Partnering and Deal, Managers with a Business Admin role can map them together on the Deal Administration page. - With the manually created meetings: There are no Internal user attendees for these meetings and therefore, you CAN’T add any.
Internal attendees and non Deal users
Internal non user attendees are people from your company who aren't Deal users.
These internal attendees only exist on meeting pages. They’re automatically and only created when synchronizing conferences with the Event integration. They’re automatically extracted from the delegate section of the meeting in the message center of One-on-One Partnering, and displayed as Internal and Non user in the meeting in Deal.
Manage meeting access control
The Meeting Access Control is independent of the Initiative Access Control. A public initiative may contain a private meeting and conversely, a private initiative may contain a public meeting.
Warning: Making an initiative private doesn't automatically make the meetings contained in this initiative private. You'll need to set the meetings as private independently from the initiative.
In the meeting overview, click Access at the top right of the page. A pop-up called Manage Meeting Access will appear.
To make the meeting private, click Make private. Only the meeting attendees (who are Deal users) will be able to see the meeting.
If the meeting is private and you want to reverse it, click Make Public. All users in the application will be able to see and open the meeting.
Important: To make a meeting private, you must select at least one internal attendee who is a user of the application. You can't make a meeting private with only external attendees.
Edit or delete meetings
Open the meeting and:
- Click Edit to update the details of the meeting.
- Click the ellipsis icon and Delete to delete permanently the meeting.
Export meetings
Please refer to the Export companies and meetings article.
A maximum of 1,000 meetings can be exported at the same time.
Manage meeting notifications
You can choose to be notified when you're mentioned in the notes of a meeting.
Detailed meeting user rights
Rights | Manager | Contributor |
View meetings | ✓ |
✓ if the meeting is public |
Create meetings | ✓ | X |
Import meetings | ✓ | X |
Export meetings | ✓ | X |
Create opportunity from a meeting | ✓ | ✓ |
Edit meetings | ✓ | X |
Manage meeting attendees | ✓ | X |
Map users between Inpart Deal and Inpart Event |
✓ with Business Admin rights |
X |
Manage meeting access control | ✓ | X |
Delete meetings | ✓ | X |