User roles and rights
This article describes the different user roles offered in Inpart Deal and their related rights.
All user and admin roles are managed from the Admin Center by Client Admin users.
User roles
Inpart Deal provides two main user roles to enable different levels of collaboration and control in the application: Manager and Contributor.
Managers have full access to all features of Inpart Deal. They can:
- Create and manage initiatives, opportunities, tasks, and evaluations, and manage workflows.
- Upload emails and documents to the platform.
- Control access to initiatives.
- Invite Contributors to participate in evaluations.
Managers are usually part of the Business Development team in your company.
Their role is to create and define the initiatives that fit the strategic goals of your company. They identify new opportunities, screen them, and move them along the partnering flow. An important part of their role is to coordinate the evaluations that will help advance the opportunities through the partnering stages.
See the detailed rights for each feature.
Contributors have access to a limited number of Inpart Deal features, that are made for a broad audience. They can:
- Create opportunities and comment on them.
- Respond to evaluations.
- They can't create initiatives, tasks, or evaluations.
Contributors are usually functional and therapeutic area experts.
Their role is to help identify promising opportunities and provide expertise to help make decisions about the opportunities evaluated by your company. They respond to evaluation requests sent by Managers and explore and comment on opportunities proactively.
See the detailed rights for each feature.
Administration roles
In addition to the two user roles, we provide two administration roles: Business Admin, which gives additional rights to Managers, and Client Admin which allows managing users in the Admin Center.
Business Admin
Business Admins, in addition to all their Manager rights, can specifically manage on the Administration page of Inpart Deal:
Their role is to keep clean the list of values available in Inpart Deal to fit your company processes and customize the platform to facilitate your team work.
Client Admin
This is a role limited to the Admin Center. Client Admins can:
- Create or disable users.
- Edit users' details and assign user roles.
- Export users.
- Reset passwords (only for none-SSO accounts).
- Create and manage user groups.
- Access licenses and business profile reports.
Detailed rights by user roles
All rights below are conditional on whether the related initiative is public or private. If an initiative is private, the rights apply only to the users who have access to the initiative.
If you're a Manager, you can perform the following actions on all agreements whether you own the related opportunities or not.
Rights | Manager | Contributor |
View agreements | ✓ | ✓ Contributors can see the list of agreements but their titles and information are restricted |
Create agreements | ✓ | X |
Edit agreements | ✓ | X |
Customize agreement fields | ✓ If you have a Business Admin role |
X |
Link agreements together | ✓ | X |
View and manage amendments | ✓ | X |
View and manage obligations | ✓ | X |
Delete agreement | ✓ | X |
Rights | Manager | Contributor |
Attach files to initiatives and opportunities | ✓ | ✓ |
Attach files to meetings, agreements, and companies | ✓ | X |
Download all files | ✓ | ✓ Except for agreement files |
Create and manage opportunity attachment folders | ✓ | X |
Connect Campaigns
Rights | Manager | Contributor |
View and access campaigns on the Network page | ✓ | ✓ |
View and access opportunities in campaigns | ✓ | ✓ |
Export opportunities from campaigns | ✓ | X |
Edit campaign details |
✓ Department only |
X |
Update campaign status | X | X |
Add attachments to campaigns | ✓ | X |
Delete campaigns | ✓ | X |
Other campaigns
Rights | Manager | Contributor |
View and access campaigns on the Network page | ✓ | ✓ |
View and access opportunities in campaigns | ✓ | ✓ |
Export opportunities from campaigns | ✓ | X |
Edit campaign details | ✓ | X |
Update campaign status | ✓ | X |
Add attachments to campaigns | ✓ | X |
Delete campaigns | ✓ | X |
Rights | Manager | Contributor |
View companies | ✓ | ✓ |
Access the Opportunities, Contacts, and Meetings tabs | ✓ | ✓ |
View the activity stream | ✓ | X |
Create companies (via the creation of an opportunity) | ✓ | ✓ |
Update companies details | ✓ | X |
Link companies together | ✓ | X |
Delete companies | X | X |
Merge companies | ✓ if you have a Business Admin role |
X |
Export company one-pagers | ✓ | X |
Inpart Event conferences
Rights | Manager | Contributor |
Add conferences and import meetings from the Administration page |
✓ if you have a Business Admin role |
X |
View and access conferences on the Network page | ✓ | ✓ |
View meetings and opportunities in conferences | ✓ | ✓ |
Update conferences (sync meetings) | ✓ if you have a Business Admin role |
X |
Edit conference details |
✓ Location only |
X |
Create opportunities in conferences | ✓ |
✓ from meetings only |
Write notes in conferences | ✓ | X |
Delete meetings | ✓ | X |
Delete conferences | ✓ | X |
Other conferences
Rights | Manager | Contributor |
Create conferences | ✓ | X |
View and access conferences on the Network page | ✓ | ✓ |
View meetings and opportunities in conferences | ✓ | ✓ |
Edit conference details | ✓ | X |
Create meetings in conferences | ✓ | X |
Create opportunities in conferences | ✓ | ✓ |
Write notes in conferences | ✓ | X |
Delete meetings | ✓ | X |
Delete conferences | ✓ | X |
Rights | Manager | Contributor |
View contacts | ✓ | ✓ |
Access the Meetings and Opportunities tabs | ✓ | ✓ |
Create contacts | ✓ | ✓ |
Update contacts details | ✓ | ✓ |
Manage contacts role in opportunities | ✓ |
✓ if you created the opportunity and the opportunity is still in the Identification stage |
Delete contacts | ✓ | X |
Import contacts | ✓ | X |
Export contacts | ✓ | ✓ |
Merge contacts | ✓ if you have a Business Admin role |
X |
Rights | Manager | Contributor |
View dashboards | ✓ | ✓ |
View results (list of opportunities) | ✓ | ✓ |
Apply and save custom views | ✓ | ✓ |
Create favorite views (to appear on the homepage) | ✓ | ✓ |
Use the search bar | ✓ | ✓ |
Export opportunities | ✓ | ✓ |
Rights | Manager | Contributor |
View favorite views |
✓ All Opportunities, My Opportunities, and custom views |
✓ All Opportunities and custom views |
Add favorite views | ✓ | ✓ |
View tasks & evaluations | ✓ | ✓ |
All rights below are conditional on whether the initiative is public or private. If an initiative is private, the rights apply only to the users who have access to the initiative.
Rights | Manager | Contributor |
View initiatives | ✓ | ✓ |
Create initiatives | ✓ | X |
Update initiatives |
✓ if you're one of the initiative owners |
X |
Add and manage attachments |
✓ if you're one of the initiative owners |
X |
Add and manage owners |
✓ if you're one of the initiative owners |
X |
Be one of the owners | ✓ | X |
Make initiatives public or private |
✓ if you're one of the initiative owners |
X |
View private initiatives |
✓ if you're one of the initiative owners or the allowed users of the initiative ("can access") |
✓ if you're one of the allowed users of the initiative ("can access") |
Archive/unarchive initiatives | ✓ if you're one of the initiative owners |
X |
Delete initiatives |
✓ if there are no attached opportunities |
X |
Rights | Manager | Contributor |
View meetings | ✓ |
✓ if the meeting is public |
Create meetings | ✓ | X |
Import meetings | ✓ | X |
Export meetings in an Excel file | ✓ | X |
Export meeting one-pagers | ✓ | X |
Create opportunity from a meeting | ✓ | ✓ |
Edit meetings | ✓ | X |
Manage meeting attendees | ✓ | X |
Manage meeting access control | ✓ | X |
Delete meetings | ✓ | X |
All rights below are conditional on whether the initiative is public or private. If an initiative is private, the rights apply only to the users who have access to the initiative.
If you're a Manager, you can perform the following actions on all opportunities whether you own them or not (and whether you own the related initiative as well).
Rights | Manager | Contributor |
View opportunities | ✓ | ✓ |
View opportunities as a Kanban board | ✓ | X |
Create opportunities | ✓ | ✓ |
Add Summary templates |
✓ if you have a Business Admin role |
X |
Select Summary templates | ✓ | X |
View the Status update field | ✓ | ✓ if there is an existing update |
Update the Status update field | ✓ | X |
Visualize the status updates history | ✓ | X |
Own opportunities | ✓ |
X By default, the opportunities created by a Contributor are assigned to the "Default assignee" of the initiative |
Import opportunities | ✓ | X |
Export opportunities in an Excel file | ✓ | ✓ |
Export opportunity one-pagers | ✓ | X |
Rename opportunities | ✓ |
✓ if you created the opportunity and the opportunity is still in the Identification stage |
Reassign opportunity ownership | ✓ | X |
Move opportunities to a different initiative | ✓ | X |
Copy opportunities to a different initiative | ✓ | X |
Update the stage (workflow) and status | ✓ | X |
View and update qualification fields | ✓ |
✓ if you created the opportunity and the opportunity is still in the Identification stage, and except for Tags |
Link other opportunities or companies | ✓ | X |
View the Status update field | ✓ | ✓ if there is an existing update |
Update the Status update field | ✓ | X |
View the Overview, Asset, Details, Summary, Attachments, Tasks, Meetings, Contacts, and Agreements tabs | ✓ | ✓ |
Update all fields of the Overview, Asset, Details, and Summary tabs | ✓ |
✓ if you created the opportunity and the opportunity is still in the Identification stage |
Upload, rename, or delete attachments | ✓ |
✓ if you created the opportunity and the opportunity is still in the Identification stage |
Create meetings | ✓ | X |
Update meetings notes, attendees and attachments | ✓ | X |
Add or unlink contacts | ✓ |
✓ |
View and add comments | ✓ | ✓ |
Update or delete comments |
✓ if it's your comment |
✓ if it's your comment |
View the Database panel | ✓ |
X |
Manage profiles in the Database panel | ✓ | X |
View the activity stream | ✓ | X |
Delete opportunities | ✓ |
✓ if you created the opportunity and the opportunity is still in the Identification stage, and there are no tasks created by default in the Identification stage |
Tasks and evaluations
If you're a Manager, you can perform the following actions on all opportunities whether you own them or not (and whether you own the related initiative as well), unless otherwise specified.
Rights | Manager | Contributor |
View tasks and evaluations | ✓ | ✓ |
Create tasks and evaluations | ✓ | X |
Update tasks title, due date, and assignee | ✓ | X |
Mark tasks as completed |
✓ even if you're not the assignee |
✓ if you're the assignee |
Manage participants to evaluations | ✓ | X |
Rename evaluations |
✓ if you're the owner |
X |
Edit or delete evaluation sections | ✓ | X |
Comment on Evaluations | ✓ |
✓ if you're invited as a participant ("Can comment") |
Change evaluation status | ✓ | X |
Inpart for Outlook Add-In
Rights | Manager | Contributor |
Install and use the add-in | ✓ | X |