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Create and manage companies

The Companies page allows you to keep track of all the organizations you interacted with and record information about them.


Plan availability: Essential/Advanced
Required user role: Manager/Contributor (see details)

Company overview.png

In Inpart Deal, a company can be any kind of organization: a biotech, a small or large pharma, a public laboratory, a technology transfer office (either regional or academic), a center of excellence, a university, a consulting firm, a CRO or CMO, etc. Basically anything!

Warning: You can't delete a company once created.

Access the master list of companies

You can access the master list of companies by clicking Companies in the navigation bar. 

Company nav bar.png

Access a specific company profile

From the search bar

Enter the company name in the search bar available in the navigation bar.


From the opportunity master list

Direct links to the companies associated with the opportunities are available in the master list of opportunities, in a dedicated Company column. You can choose to hide or display this column by clicking the table icon on top of the list.


From an opportunity overview

A direct link to the company associated with the opportunity is available at the top of each opportunity overview. 


Filter and create custom views for companies

You can use the quick filters available at the top of the page to reach the information you're interested in with a single click. You can filter companies by:

  • Their type.
  • Specific criteria that you previously saved in your custom views

Company filters.png

For advanced filtering, click the More filters button to open a filtering panel on the right side of the page. From here you can filter companies based on all the fields that they contain. Click Apply at the bottom of the panel to apply your filtering preferences.

Company filters panel.png

What's inside a company profile

Inside a company profile, you can find:

  • A fixed section on the right called Details, showing a set of information describing the company and the first contact date.
  • An Opportunities tab, showing the list of all opportunities associated with the company.
  • A Contacts tab, showing the list of all people working at the company.
  • A Meetings tab, showing the list of all meetings that happened with the company.
  • An Attachments tab, where you can upload any related file or email.
  • Database tab, showing the information provided by Inpart Data (only if the company is linked to Inpart Data).

Company overview.png

From a company profile, you can:

  • Add contacts, in the Contacts tab.
  • Create meetings, in the Meetings tab.
  • Edit the company details, by clicking Edit at the top right of the company profile.
  • View the activity stream of the company.

Create companies

You can add new companies to Inpart Deal in two different ways.

From the master list of companies

Click Companies in the navigation bar to open the companies master list.

Company nav bar.png

Click the Create button.

Company create 0.png

A creation pop-up will appear.

Start entering the name of the company. A list of potential matching company profiles will be displayed. You can click View next to the suggested profiles to make sure you're not going to create a duplicate of an existing company.

Other profiles are suggested by Inpart Data. If you select one of them, the details of the newly created company in Inpart Deal will be autofilled.

You also have the possibility to create your own company profile if the company doesn't appear in the list prompted by Inpart Data. Click the name of the company under No exact match found for "...". This will create a blank company profile where you'll need to fill out the fields yourself.

Company create 1.png

When creating an opportunity

You can add a new company when creating a new opportunity that will revolve around this company. At the second step of the opportunity creation, enter the name of the company.

Then, you have two possibilities:

  • Select an existing company profile prompted by Inpart Data: Click the corresponding company profile if it appears in the list prompted under Companies found. This way, the company profile will be automatically prefilled with all the information provided by Inpart Data.
  • Create your own company profile: If the company doesn't appear in the list prompted by Inpart Data, you can click the field with the name of the company, under No exact match found for "...". This will create a blank company profile where you'll need to fill out the fields yourself.


Link companies together

Link a company profile to another one to always have a comprehensive understanding of their relationship. Click Add in the Related Companies section, pick the company in the existing list, and select their relationship.

Company linked companies.png

These relationships can be customized on the Administration page by users with a Business Admin role. For instance, you can link a venture company to the portfolio companies, link parent and subsidiary companies, or link a consulting firm with their biotech client.

Export companies

Please refer to the Export companies and meetings article.

Delete companies

Open the company page, click the ellipsis icon and select Delete. You can only delete companies that have no related opportunities, contacts, meetings, or agreements. Deleting a company will also delete the related attachments.

Company delete.png

Companies linked to Inpart Data and Evaluate Pharma

If you've selected a company with an Inpart Data profile when adding a company, the company profile will display a database icon at the top right of the page with all the information provided by Inpart Data and/or Evaluate Pharma.

Company database.png

This information also appears in the database panel of the related opportunity.

You can choose to unlink the company from Inpart Data if you think that the match that has been made is incorrect. This will remove all information about the external profile and the dedicated section will disappear. However, you'll have the chance to select again the Inpart Data profile when creating a new opportunity if needed.

Detailed company user rights

Rights Manager Contributor
View companies
Create companies
Update companies details
Link companies together X
Delete companies X
Access the Opportunities, Contacts, and Meetings tabs
View the activity stream
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