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Import meetings from conferences

Quickly import meetings to save time on manual data entry after conferences like BIO International Convention, BIO Partnering at JPM, and more. 


Plan availability: Essential/Advanced
Required user role: Manager/Contributor (see details)

All meetings related to conferences are available on the Conferences page in Inpart Deal.

Conferences overview.png

Access conferences in Inpart Deal

The meetings imported are gathered by conferences on the Conferences page accessible from the Network menu entry. 

Conferences nav bar.png

On the Network page, you can see conferences ordered by their start date (with the future conferences first). Click View all to access the full list of conferences.

Conferences network page.png

You can quickly filter conferences by their date (All, Ongoing and Upcoming, Past) or by their name using the search bar.

Conferences filters.png

On this page, you can see each conference with:

  • The dates of the conference.
  • The number of meetings imported.
  • The number of related opportunities.
  • When the conference was imported into Inpart Deal.
  • If the conference is supported by Inpart Event.

Conferences card.png

Events supported

Inpart Deal offers two ways to import meetings:

  • Through the Inpart Event integration for all conferences hosted on the One-on-One Partnering platform provided by BIO. The list of events supported by Inpart Event is constantly evolving, check our website to have the up-to-date list.
  • Through Excel import for all other conferences, including conferences from the EBD Group (using their PartneringONE platform).

Inpart Event conferences

Connect your Inpart Event account

The following message is displayed when your Inpart Next Generation instance isn't connected yet to Inpart Event.

Conferences Event integration no.png

You must ask Inpart to enable the integration in your Admin Center.

You can connect only one of your company profiles if you happen to have several profiles in Inpart Event. However, multiple profile connections will be available soon.

Once you're connected, the following message appears. 

Conferences Event integration yes.png

Add conferences and import meetings

Important: We advise synchronizing the conference between Inpart Event (i.e. the One-on-One Partnering platform) and Inpart Deal before its opening date so that you can start taking meeting notes directly in Deal ahead of the conference. 

Click Go to administration page, this will redirect you to the Integrations tab of the Administration page. On this page, you can manage the synchronization between Inpart Deal and Inpart Event for each conference. 

Conferences admin page.png

Under the Inpart Event section, in the Conferences category, the list of all conferences existing in your Inpart Event account is automatically displayed.

  • If this is the first time that you connect Inpart Deal to one of the conferences, click Activate + Sync, this will add the conference on the Conferences page and trigger the first import of meetings into Inpart Deal. 
  • If the conference is already activated on Inpart Deal, it's automatically synchronized every day, starting two months prior to the conference and ending one week after the conference. However, you can still click Update to launch a synchronization at any time.

Under the Inpart Event section, in the Meeting statuses category, you can select the meetings you want to import depending on their status: Accepted and scheduled meetings, Canceled meetings, or Declined meetings.

Conferences admin page - meeting statuses.png

Manage meeting attendees

Meeting attendees are automatically classified into three categories in Inpart Deal:

  • External attendees: people from outside your company (contacts)
    For attendees who are from the company you met during the meeting. These attendees are automatically extracted from the delegate section of the meeting in the message center of One-on-One Partnering, created as contacts in Deal (if not existing yet) and categorized as External in the meeting in Deal.
    Meeting attendee external.png
  • Internal attendees: from your company AND Deal user or non user.
    For attendees who are from your company and who are Inpart Deal users or not. 

      • Internal Deal user attendees: They’re automatically extracted from the delegate section of the meeting in the message center of One-on-One Partnering, mapped to the corresponding user profiles in Deal based on their email address, and displayed as Internal and User in the meeting in Deal.
        Meeting attendee internal user.png
        If some internal user attendees use a different email address in One-on-One Partnering and Deal, Managers with a Business Admin role can map them together on the Deal Administration page.
        Conferences admin page - user mapping.png

      • Internal Deal non user attendees: They’re automatically extracted from the delegate section of the meeting in the message center of One-on-One Partnering, and displayed as Internal and Non user in the meeting in Deal.
        Meeting attendee internal non user.png

Manage imported meetings

Once meetings have been imported, here's what a meeting record looks like. 

Meeting overview.png

From there, you can:

  • Click View meeting to open the meeting in Inpart Event.
  • Create an opportunity related to this meeting. If you do so, the meeting will automatically be added to the list of meetings of the opportunity.
  • Manage attendees.
  • Manage meeting access to set it as public or private.

Information imported

  • Meeting name.
  • Date and hour.
  • Conference where the meeting happened.
  • Company met during the meeting. The import will automatically create the company in Inpart Deal if it doesn't exist yet.
  • Meeting status. Only meetings with Accepted or Scheduled statuses are imported. 
  • Location.
  • Related asset.
  • Meeting attendees' first name, last name, and company. 
  • Meeting attachments: On every synchronization, all the attachments from the resources of the meeting in One-on-One PartneringTM will now be imported into the Attachments section of the meeting in Inpart Deal. It includes attachments from the Assets, Services, Marked Products and Documents sections in One-on-One PartneringTM. When creating a meeting in One-on-One PartneringTM, the company can add attachments to this meeting, those are the ones imported, not all the attachments on the company profile.
  • Others: You can add meeting information not supported by the One-on-One Partnering platform, such as meeting notes, directly in the Notes column of the Inpart Excel import template.
    Meeting excel import 7.png

The Event integration is a one-way integration: the information is imported from Inpart Event into Inpart Deal. If you update some meeting or conference details in Inpart Deal, they won't be replicated in Inpart Event. 

EBD conferences

You must use the Excel Meeting import tool in Inpart Deal to import meetings from conferences organized by the EBD Group (such as the BIO Europe and BIO Europe Spring conferences).

The meeting import follows three steps:

  1. Download the Excel meeting export from the PartneringONE platform and send it to your CSM at Inpart.
  2. Your CSM maps this Excel export to our Excel import template as they have different formats.
  3. Your CSM performs the import in Deal.

To download the Excel meeting export from the PartneringONE platform:

  • Log into your PartneringONE account.
  • Click the chat icon in the navigation bar to open the message center, and then click Download at the top right of the page to launch the meeting export.
    Important: Don't apply any filter so that all meetings can be exported.
    Meeting import EBD conference.png

You can add meeting information not supported by the PartneringONE platform, such as meeting notes, directly in the Notes column of the Inpart Excel import template.

Meeting excel import 7.png

Other conferences

For any other conferences that are neither supported by the BIO One-on-One Partnering platform or the EBD PartneringONE platform, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Inpart Excel import template.
  2. Map all your meeting information into the Excel template.
  3. Upload the Excel file in Deal to import your meetings.

See all the detailed instructions in Import Meetings.

Manually add conferences

Option #1: Direct creation

Go to the Conferences page and click Create at the top right of the page. Fill out the conference details in this popup and click Create.

Conferences create.png

Option #2: Indirect creation

Whenever you add a new conference name in the Source field of an opportunity or a meeting, this newly added conference will automatically appear on the Conferences page.

In opportunities:

Conferences create 2.png

In meetings:

Conferences create 3.png

Edit and delete conferences


To edit a conference, click Edit at the top right of the conference page. 

Conferences edit delete.png

For Inpart Event conferences, you can only edit the location.

Conferences edit.png

For other conferences, you can edit the name of the conference, the location and the start and end date.

Conferences edit 2.png


To delete a conference, click the ellipsis icon at the top right of the conference page, and select Delete.

Conferences edit delete.png

The meetings and opportunities that were saved under this conference won't be deleted, but their Source name field will be reset to blank. 

Import meetings

Important notice:
  • Importance of clean meeting data: Please contact your CSM at Inpart if you need help creating a clean Excel file before starting the import.
  • Conference name: Filling in the Conference column in the Excel import file will automatically create the conference in Deal. It's then not mandatory to first add the name of the conference in Deal.
  • Number of imported meetings: A maximum of 500 meetings can be simultaneously imported.
  • Meeting update: You can't update meetings already imported through a second import. If you do so, duplicate meetings will be created with no updates to the existing ones.
  • Internal contacts: Internal contacts of the meetings (i.e. employees of your company) can't be imported.

You can start a meeting import from two different places:

  • From the navigation bar: Click the Create button and select Meetings in the IMPORT section.

Meeting excel import 0.0.png

  • From the Meetings tab within opportunities, companies, or contacts: Click the ellipsis button next to the Create button and select Import.

Meeting excel import 0.1.png

A pop-up window will appear. 

Step 1/3: Select a file

Meeting import 1.png

It's highly recommended to use the Excel template provided: Click Instructions and Download template.

Meeting excel import 7.png

Here are the guidelines to have a clean import:

Excel file format
  • .xls
  • .xlsx
  • The data to be imported is located in the Meeting Data sheet of the Excel file.
  • The column headers are on the first row.
  • The attendee format must be FirstName LastName (Company). Eg.: Jane Doe (Balsapharma).
Mandatory fields
  • In the Meeting data sheet: Meeting title, Company, Date.
  • In the My Company sheet: My Company. This field is mandatory if you want to import your internal contacts.

Step 2/3: File analysis and import

In the second step, the Excel file is analyzed to search for any errors. If the file is clean, just click Import.

Warning: Once you've clicked Import, all the meetings have been created in Deal, so make sure the data is clean before launching the import. 

Meeting excel import 3-1.png

If the file contains minor errors that can make the import inconsistent, you're notified by a yellow warning message, with explanations to solve the errors.

If the file contains major errors that can block the import process, you're notified by a red error message, with explanations to solve the errors.

Meeting import 2.png

Once you've made sure the Excel file has clean data, click Import. 

Step 3/3: File imported

The import is now finalized and the list of all the meetings, companies, and contacts that have been created in Inpart Deal are listed in the final step.

Click Confirm to exit the import pop-up window and return to your main page.

Meeting import 3.png

Manage meetings

See Create and manage meetings.

Detailed conference user rights

Inpart Event conferences

Rights Manager Contributor
Add conferences and import meetings from the Administration page
if you have a Business Admin role
View and access conferences on the Network page
View meetings and opportunities in conferences
Update conferences (sync meetings)
if you have a Business Admin role
Edit conference details
Location only
Create opportunities in conferences
Write notes in conferences X
Delete meetings X
Delete conferences X

Other conferences

Rights Manager Contributor
Create conferences X
View and access conferences on the Network page
View meetings and opportunities in conferences
Edit conference details X
Create meetings in conferences X
Create opportunities in conferences
Write notes in conferences X
Delete meetings X
Delete conferences X
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