Track the activity stream of opportunities, companies, contacts and agreements
Track important activities history on your opportunities, companies, contacts, and agreements: what action was performed, by whom, and when.
Plan availability: Essential/Advanced
Required user role: Manager
The activity stream is here to help you:
- Prepare meetings with partner companies. Check the last meetings you had with them, and the stage and status of the opportunities tied to this company.
- Report internally on your opportunities. Understand how your opportunities evolved over time when they changed status and stage, who was involved, etc.
- Enhance corporate memory, traceability, and compliance. Track who performed the actions and when.
The activity stream is materialized by a timeline that opens on a dedicated panel on the right of the opportunity.
For each activity, the timeline displays:
- The action that was performed.
- The name of the user who performed the action.
- The date the action was performed.
- For meetings, tasks, and evaluations, a link to the relevant item.
The activity stream displays the most recent activities on top of the timeline and categorized them into chronological sub-categories: Upcoming, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, and Earlier.
Activities generated by meetings, tasks, and evaluations are specifically highlighted by a frame in the timeline.
Opportunity activity stream
At the opportunity level, the timeline includes:
- The discovery date of the opportunity, a link to the initial initiative, and the source if available. Note that the discovery date is when the project started and can differ from the creation date of the opportunity.
- Status and stage updates, with reasons.
- Priority and confidence updates.
- Past and future meetings.
- Ongoing and closed evaluations.
- Completed and due tasks.
- If the opportunity was moved or cloned to another initiative.
If the opportunity ownership was reassign to another user.
When a contact was linked to the opportunity, with the link to this contact (and with the role if available).
- When you add an agreement to the opportunity.
Company activity stream
At the company level, the timeline includes:
The creation of the company, the links to the initial initiative and the related opportunity, and the source if available.
Past and future meetings.
The main activities (like status and stage changes) of all related opportunities.
When the contact was associated with the company, with the link to the contact (and with the job title if available).
- When you add an agreement to the opportunity.
- When you link two companies together.
Contact activity stream
At the contact level, the timeline includes:
When the contact was associated with a company, with the link to this company (and with the job title if available).
- When the contact was linked to an opportunity, with the link to this opportunity (and with the role if available).
Past and future meetings the contact attended or will attend.
Agreement activity stream
At the agreement level, the timeline includes:
- The creation date of the agreement.
- Updates on the agreement's status.
- Field updates.
User access
Activity streams are displayed based on user access rights:
In company timelines: Activities from opportunities that are restricted at the initiative level (private initiatives) are only displayed for authorized users of this initiative.
In company and opportunity timelines: Activities from private meetings are only displayed for users set as attendees at the meeting level.
Pre-existing activities shown in the activity stream
For all your opportunities and companies created in Inpart Deal before the Activity Stream feature release (March 7, 2023), the activity stream may not cover all the changes made prior to the release.
After the Activity Stream feature release (March 7, 2023), for imported opportunities, the activity stream will also only show the creation date of the opportunities (i.e. the import date).