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Inpart Deal
Inpart Deal
Inpart Deal plans and features
User roles and rights
Inpart Deal glossary
Create and manage initiatives
Manage initiative access control
Create and manage opportunities
Import opportunities
Enrich your opportunities with external data sources - Inpart Data & Evaluate Pharma
Add and manage opportunity status updates and next steps
Configure additional opportunity and agreement fields
Move or copy an opportunity to a different initiative
Navigate opportunity workflows in Inpart Deal
Navigate opportunity workflows (for Inova Classic users only)
Create and manage agreements and CDAs
Create and manage amendments
Create and manage campaigns
Review Connect Campaigns results in Deal
Track the activity stream of opportunities, companies, contacts and agreements
Submit comments in opportunities
Create and manage contacts
Create and manage companies
Merge duplicate companies and contacts
Create and manage evaluations
Request audit logs
Create and manage meetings
Import meetings from conferences
Manage your dashboard
Create and manage tasks
Create and manage custom views
Manage your email notifications